Entry #17. Cottage is Warm.

This cottage loves to have candles placed about, casting their playful light, offering a little warmth here and there. There is something about candle light that is fitting for cottage; it is subtly welcoming, warmly inviting you to enjoy this atmosphere. Candles do this to all of our senses, treating the whole person to a cozy experience.

And this is a fitting metaphor for cottage. All of us living here in this cottage are contributing what we have to offer, casting our own light, bringing our own warmth into this shared space. And as we all give our particular gifts and bring our particular talents to bear, we are giving something of ourselves to each other and to those whom we are fortunate to have visit our cottage for a bit. That is why we love lighting candles.

And we all look really good in candle light, too, which is a bonus.

Cottage is warm. This is cottage.