Entry #18. Cottage is Perspective.
Cottage keeps moving forward in time. Tomorrow always follows today, and yesterday happened yesterday, and there's no sense in pushing against that because it's a fight you can't win. At the same time, cottage remembers where it was back then as a way of setting the right trajectory for what's not yet. And so we flip through scrapbooks, and look at photos of each other and this house from years ago and we see how far we've come; so much distance traveled through time, so much progress made. Yet we are still we; those people from years ago are these people sitting next to each other right now.
That house in those photos with its saggy floors and sad paint is this house right here, beauty starting to show. These people that feel weak and tired now are those people who've made it through much worse. But this seems like a strange contradiction: the house gets more and more beautiful while the occupants who put so much into it get more and more haggard? How is this right? And then we realize those people in those photos, while they certainly loved each other then, have no idea what it is like to have the love we have for each other now. And that is the beauty that shows more and more; these people sitting next to each other right now increasingly see what it means to love and be loved, no matter what.
Cottage is perspective. This is Cottage.