Entry #12. Cottage is Quirky

There are certain things that are sacred, untouchable, no doubt about that. But sometimes it’s tempting to elevate things to sacred status that just don’t belong there. Nostalgia is the temptation to elevate things to sacred status because they’re old. A preoccupation with novelty elevates things to sacred status because they’re young. Elevating things to sacred status because you like them is called pretentiousness.

All of that is preface to this: I am pretty sure this armoire (I am pretty sure its an armoire) is older than I am. Probably a lot older than I am. And it had a really beautiful wood grain and nice (though peeling) finish. And cool vintage brass casters. And matching pull-out drawers. A really nice piece, to be sure. But it’s for the kids’ room, and none of that stuff matters to them. Not yet, anyway. So we painted this thing a quirky shade of green they like, and put on bigger, more playful casters, and filled it full of baskets they can easily access. And it’s perfect for them.

And for those who might be shocked or disappointed: it’s not sacred. And the wood grain is still there. Somewhere under that great green paint.

Cottage is quirky. This is Cottage